Silent - listen
Jay Leno - enjoy L.A.
The Morse Code - here
come dots
George Bush - he bugs
Waitress - a stew, sir?
The Titanic disaster
- death, it starts in ice
Western Union - no wire
Debit card - bad credit
A decimal point - I’m
a dot in place
Clothespins - so let’s
Dormitory - dirty room
The eyes - they see
David Letterman - nerd
amid late TV
Statue of Liberty - built
to stay free
Astronomer - moon starer
Madonna Louise Ciccone
- one cool dance musician
The United States of
America - attaineth its case: freedom
Desperation - a rope
ends it
Sherlock Holmes - he’ll
mesh crooks
Conversation - voices
rant on
Geologist - go get oils
Christmas - trims cash
Action man - cannot aim
A domesticated animal
- docile as a man tamed it
Year two thousand - a
year to shut down
Saddam Hussain - human’s
sad side
Shower time - where moist
Goodby - obey God
Narcissism - man’s
Television programming
- permeating living rooms
The countryside - no
city dust here
Clint Eastwood - old
west action
Ladybug - bald guy
Snooze alarms - alas,
no more Z’s
A gentleman - elegant
No admittance - contaminated
Microwave - warm voice
A telescope - to see
The Apple Macintosh -
machines apt to help
Eleven plus two - twelve
plus one
Schoolmaster - the classroom
A shoplifter - has to
Garbage man - bag manager
(If you've
discovered a great anagram, please share it with us.)